Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Perfect Soap Dish...................

A while back I switch from using liquid hand soap & body wash over to bar soaps due to the eco advantage of bar soap.  There were many reasons for the switch bar soap has less packaging, less chemicals, less waste, less cost, is often made locally etc. etc. You can read more about that here or here. Also a nice bar of soap is just looks prettier too, especially when it has designs stamped into it!

But...... I had always bought soap dishes in the past as part of a bathroom set (like the sets they sell at Target or Bed Bath and Beyond.) These sets were chosen for their colors and patterns and at no time did I ever consider the functionality of the soap dish when purchasing. So I needed up with this..... cute but not so functional or sustainable =( .... (The soap pictured below I got in my last conscious box has a loofah in it amazing!!)

For a while I was OK.... but I was getting really tired of the soap never drying out, getting gooey and leaving a thick residue behind in the soap dish.  I tried putting those oblong glass marbles you put into a flower vase into the dish for to allow the soap to drain and dry however they just stuck to the soap. Eventually, I got so fed up with all of this that I bought a cute metal branch dish at  Cost Plus World Market. However the dish let the soap drain right onto my counter-top (causing more cleaning) and corroded horridly in less than 3 months. I would show you a pic but I tossed this dish ASAP after getting a new one...OK so metal was out and my soap dish needed to have a base.....

They my wonderful Fiance found me the perfect dish. The dish he got me was stone ( no metal to corrode), had deep ridges in it (allowing the soap to dry and drain) and a removable base (preventing dirty counter tops and ease of cleaning!) The perfect soap dish .........

Below are some cute & functional soap dishes I found for sale on the internet...if you can find a place that sells some fair trade it would be even better!

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